Vulnerable to Victorious

Sean’s been a loner since he was a small child. He never had friends and was always made fun of. He kept to himself with the least amount of communication.

Can’t be vulnerable if I don’t reveal too much about myself.

His only problem was not vulnerability but constant attack on his character and his self-worth sabotaged. Sean looked in the mirror and hated the person he saw. There was nothing about that person he liked because he compared that person to other people.

Sean’s weight crept up daily. He gained thirty pounds in the last six months. That added to the cruel names he was called.

How can I get them to stop? Stop making fun of me. Stop calling me names. I don’t mess with anyone. I mind my business.

Polishing off a bag of chips and a chocolate bar Sean rolled over and drifted to sleep between sniffles.

God visited Sean in a dream that night.

Sean, God called, who’s making you vulnerable? Who is sabotaging you and making you feel worthless? I didn’t say those things about you. I didn’t create you to be any of those things. The enemy is using the young people to make you feel vulnerable and doubting your worth. Focus on what I’ve said about you—not them.

No longer will you succumb to the lies you’ve been told and be in agreement with them. I call you out of vulnerability, self-sabotage and worthlessness. I declare you are walking in victory. Victorious living is your portion.

Then next morning Sean remembered his dream. Deep within he realized he had more than a dream; he felt the difference within.

Sean went from vulnerable to victorious.

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