In my last blog I wrote about a story I’m writing.

My friend, an accomplished author who knows the ins and outs of writing asked me to send the first five pages to her. Today I received her critique. She gave me a lot of great advise on how I can make a better story.

I’m excited because she didn’t say my story was a hopeless mess that needs to be trashed. She gave me hope.

Tomorrow I will devote my evening to making the corrections and continue enlarging the story. Even if this story goes nowhere I’m happy I’m doing something I was afraid to do. That fear is gone and I’m going full steam ahead until it is complete. Then I will start on the next one.

Is there a best seller coming. Stay tuned.

8 thoughts on “

  1. Isn’t it great when someone confirms that what you’ve been working on does NOT belong in the trash bin? I always feel like it belongs in the trash bin until someone else tells me otherwise. I’ve been working on my novel for…I don’t know, 10 years now; I’m still not convinced it shouldn’t go in the bin. Sounds like you’re making good progress. Keep it up!

    I nominated your blog for a Liebster Award! Check out for more info.

    • It is great to have confirmation. Before now I would never let myself see bigger than a blog of a couple paragraphs or a poem-little poem. Now that has changed. I’m on the move. Even if it takes me 10years or maybe 20 I’m going to keep pecking away at it until the end comes.
      You continue on your journey to completion. You will know the end.
      Thanks for nominating me for the Liebster award. I will go to the website and follow the instructions. Blessings.

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