Writer – A to Z Blogging Challenge

Since I was a little girl I wanted to be a writer. I wanted to write Children’s books, poetry, songs, magazine articles and recipe books.

Fear has been the major culprit in keeping me from fulfilling my dream. Every time I’d start thinking about moving forward fear whispered “you don’t know how to do that”. Where would you start? How do you know what kids want to read? Who would know that is a song let alone want to sing it. A magazine article? Yeah right. You have to cook all the recipes to write a recipe book plus there are many recipe books out there already. Many excuses swirling around in my head. Away went the pencil and paper.

Someone told me to start to journal. I bought a journal (many over the years) but never completed any. I read what I’d written. I laughed at myself and come to the conclusion that I must be nuts.  I sounded like I was whining about some issue or another. Embarrassment would arise and I’d rip those pages out so no one could read them.

Though my fears kept me from working to accomplish my goal I have written a few things. I kept them to myself until I started blogging.I didn’t want anyone to say negative things and hurt my feelings. I’m getting bolder and I’ve decided that anything negative will be turned around as a positive to propel me forward to accomplish what I’ve always known I’m suppose to do.

What do you need to get over to move into what you know you are to do?